2012年4月23日 星期一

Instagram 又一個網路傳奇


今天看到這篇文章 行銷出身的Instagram CEO,自學寫程式成富翁,才知道最近爆紅的 Instagram 的 CEO 原來是個不懂程式只懂行銷的創業者。真的是很厲害的一個人,能不能夠做甚麼事情真的不重要,重點是自己到底想要做甚麼吧?

他的幾個忠告也很棒 Meet The 28-Year-Old Who Made $400 Million Today

Only at my next job at Nextstop would I say I went from being a hobbyist to being able to write code that would go into production. The lesson I take from this all is that a) don't give up so quickly if it's something you actually enjoy and b) 99% of what I do on a daily basis I learned on the job -- classes/majors can prepare you to learn on the job, but doing the work is where you learn what you'll use every day.

  1. 如果你真的喜歡並享受那件事,不要太快放棄;
  2. 我每天做的事基本上有99%都是從工作中學來的;
  3. 上課與主修可以讓我準備能在工作中學習,但“作”工作是每天用來學習的地方。

翻譯(by inside)

